Source code for nutree.common

# (c) 2021-2023 Martin Wendt; see
# Licensed under the MIT license:
Functions and declarations used by the :mod:`nutree.tree` and :mod:`nutree.node`
from __future__ import annotations

import io
import sys
import warnings
import zipfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Type, Union

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # Imported by type checkers, but prevent circular includes
    from .node import Node
    from .tree import Tree

#: Used as ID for the system root node
ROOT_ID: str = "__root__"

#: File format version used by `` as `meta.$format_version`

#: Type of ``Node.data_id``
DataIdType = Union[str, int]

#: Type of ``Tree(..., calc_data_id)```
CalcIdCallbackType = Callable[["Tree", Any], DataIdType]

#: Type of ``Tree(..., factory)```
NodeFactoryType = Type["Node"]

#: Type of ``, key_map)``
KeyMapType = Dict[str, str]

#: Type of ``, value_map)``
ValueMapType = Dict[str, List[str]]

#: Currently used Python version as string
PYTHON_VERSION = ".".join([str(s) for s in sys.version_info[:3]])

[docs] class TreeError(RuntimeError): """Base class for all `nutree` errors."""
[docs] class UniqueConstraintError(TreeError): """Thrown when trying to add the same node_id to the same parent"""
[docs] class AmbiguousMatchError(TreeError): """Thrown when a single-value lookup found multiple matches."""
[docs] class IterMethod(Enum): """Traversal order.""" #: Depth-first, pre-order PRE_ORDER = "pre" #: Depth-first, post-order POST_ORDER = "post" #: Breadth-first (aka level-order) LEVEL_ORDER = "level" #: Breadth-first (aka level-order) right-to-left LEVEL_ORDER_RTL = "level_rtl" #: ZigZag order ZIGZAG = "zigzag" #: ZigZag order ZIGZAG_RTL = "zigzag_rtl" #: Random order traversal RANDOM_ORDER = "random" #: Fastest traversal in unpredictable order. #: It may appear to be the order of node insertion, but do not rely on this! UNORDERED = "unordered"
[docs] class IterationControl(Exception): """Common base class for tree iteration controls."""
[docs] class SkipBranch(IterationControl): """Raised or returned by traversal callbacks to skip the current node's descendants. If `and_self` is true, some iterators will consider the node itself, but still skip the descendants. For example :meth:`~nutree.tree.Tree.copy` and :meth:`~nutree.tree.Tree.find_all`. If `and_self` is false, some iterators will consider the node's children only. """ def __init__(self, *, and_self=None): self.and_self = and_self
[docs] class SelectBranch(IterationControl): """Raised or returned by traversal callbacks to unconditionally accept all descendants."""
[docs] class StopTraversal(IterationControl): """Raised or returned by traversal callbacks to stop iteration. Optionally, a return value may be passed. Note that if a callback returns ``False``, this will be converted to an ``StopTraversal(None)`` exception. """ def __init__(self, value=None): self.value = value
#: PredicateCallbackType = Callable[["Node"], Union[None, bool, IterationControl]] #: MapperCallbackType = Callable[["Node", dict], Union[None, Any]] #: Callback for `` SerializeMapperType = Callable[["Node", dict], Union[None, dict]] #: Callback for `tree.load()` DeserializeMapperType = Callable[["Node", dict], Union[str, object]] # MatchCallbackType = Callable[["Node"], bool] TraversalCallbackType = Callable[ ["Node", Any], Union[None, bool, "StopTraversal", "SkipBranch"] ] #: Node connector prefixes, for use with ``format(style=...)`` argument. CONNECTORS = { "space1": (" ", " ", " ", " "), "space2": (" ", " ", " ", " "), "space3": (" ", " ", " ", " "), "space4": (" ", " | ", " ", " "), "ascii11": (" ", "|", "`", "-"), "ascii21": (" ", "| ", "` ", "- "), "ascii22": (" ", "| ", "`-", "+-"), "ascii32": (" ", "| ", "`- ", "+- "), "ascii42": (" ", " | ", " `- ", " +- "), "ascii43": (" ", "| ", "`-- ", "+-- "), "lines11": (" ", "│", "└", "├"), "lines21": (" ", "│ ", "└ ", "├ "), "lines22": (" ", "│ ", "└─", "├─"), "lines32": (" ", "│ ", "└─ ", "├─ "), "lines42": (" ", " │ ", " └─ ", " ├─ "), "lines43": (" ", "│ ", "└── ", "├── "), "lines43r": (" ", " │ ", " └──", " ├──"), "round11": (" ", "│", "╰", "├"), "round21": (" ", "│ ", "╰ ", "├ "), "round22": (" ", "│ ", "╰─", "├─"), "round32": (" ", "│ ", "╰─ ", "├─ "), "round42": (" ", " │ ", " ╰─ ", " ├─ "), "round43": (" ", "│ ", "╰── ", "├── "), "round43r": (" ", " │ ", " ╰──", " ├──"), # Compact styles "lines32c": (" ", "│", "└─ ", "├─ ", "└┬ ", "├┬ "), "lines43c": (" ", "│ ", "└── ", "├── ", "└─┬ ", "├─┬ "), "round32c": (" ", "│", "╰─ ", "├─ ", "╰┬ ", "├┬ "), "round43c": (" ", "│ ", "╰── ", "├── ", "╰─┬ ", "├─┬ "), }
[docs] def get_version() -> str: from nutree import __version__ return __version__
[docs] def check_python_version(min_version: tuple[str]) -> bool: """Check for deprecated Python version.""" if sys.version_info < min_version: min_ver = ".".join([str(s) for s in min_version[:3]]) warnings.warn( f"Support for Python version less than `{min_ver}` is deprecated " f"(using {PYTHON_VERSION})", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return False return True
[docs] def call_mapper(fn: MapperCallbackType | None, node: Node, data: dict) -> Any: """Call the function and normalize result and exceptions. Handles `MapperCallbackType`: Call `fn(node, data)` if defined and return the result. If `fn` is undefined or returns `None`, return `data`. """ if fn is None: return data res = fn(node, data) if res is None: return data return res
[docs] def call_predicate(fn: Callable, node: Node) -> IterationControl | None | Any: """Call the function and normalize result and exceptions. Handles `PredicateCallbackType`: Call `fn(node)` and converts all raised IterationControl responses to a canonical result. """ if fn is None: return None try: res = fn(node) except IterationControl as e: return e # SkipBranch, SelectBranch, StopTraversal except StopIteration as e: # Also accept this builtin exception return StopTraversal(e.value) return res
[docs] def call_traversal_cb(fn: Callable, node: Node, memo: Any) -> False | None: """Call the function and handle result and exceptions. This method calls `fn(node, memo)` and converts all returned or raised IterationControl responses to a canonical result: Handles `TraversalCallbackType` - Return `False` if the method returns SkipBranch or an instance of SkipBranch. - Raise `StopTraversal(value)` if the method returns False, StopTraversal, or an instance of StopTraversal. - If a form of StopIteration is returned, we treat as StopTraversal, but emit a warning. - Other return values are ignored and converted to None. """ try: res = fn(node, memo) if res is SkipBranch or isinstance(res, SkipBranch): return False elif res is StopTraversal or isinstance(res, StopTraversal): raise res elif res is False: raise StopTraversal elif res is StopIteration or isinstance(res, StopIteration): # Converts wrong syntax in exception handler... raise res elif res is not None: raise ValueError( "callback should not return values except for " f"False, SkipBranch, or StopTraversal: {res!r}." ) except SkipBranch: return False except StopIteration as e: # raise RuntimeError("Should raise StopTraversal instead") warnings.warn( "Should raise StopTraversal instead of StopIteration", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3, ) raise StopTraversal(e.value) from None return None
[docs] @contextmanager def open_as_uncompressed_input_stream( path: str | Path, *, encoding: str = "utf8", auto_uncompress: bool = True, ) -> IO[str]: """Open a file for reading, decompressing if necessary. Decompression is done by checking for the magic header (independent of the file extension). Example:: with open_as_uncompressed_stream("/path/to/foo.nutree") as fp: for line in fp: print(line) """ path = Path(path) if auto_uncompress and zipfile.is_zipfile(path): with zipfile.ZipFile(path, mode="r") as zf: if len(zf.namelist()) != 1: raise ValueError( f"ZIP file must contain exactly one file: {zf.namelist()}" ) with[0], mode="r") as fp: yield io.TextIOWrapper(fp, encoding=encoding) else: with"r", encoding=encoding) as fp: yield fp return
[docs] @contextmanager def open_as_compressed_output_stream( path: str | Path, *, compression: bool | int = True, encoding: str = "utf8", ) -> IO[str]: """Open a file for writing, ZIP-compressing if requested. Example:: with open_as_compressed_stream("/path/to/foo.nutree") as fp: fp: print(line) """ path = Path(path) if compression is False: with"w", encoding=encoding) as fp: yield fp else: if compression is True: compression = zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2 compression = int(compression) name = f"{}.json" with zipfile.ZipFile(path, mode="w", compression=compression) as zf: with, mode="w") as fp: wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(fp, encoding=encoding) yield wrapper wrapper.flush() return