
Adding Nodes#

Nodes are usually created by adding a new data instance to a parent:

from nutree import Tree, Node

tree = Tree("Store")

n = tree.add("Records")

n.add("Let It Be")
n.add("Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!")

n = tree.add("Books")
n.add("The Little Prince")

├── 'Records'
│   ├── 'Let It Be'
│   ╰── "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!"
╰── 'Books'
    ╰── 'The Little Prince'

See also

See Working with Objects for details on how to manage arbitrary objects instead of plain strings.

Info and Navigation#

Tree statistics and related nodes are accessible like so:

assert tree.count == 5

records_node = tree["Records"]
assert tree.first_child() is records_node

assert len(records_node.children) == 2
assert records_node.depth() == 1

assert tree.find("Records") is records_node
assert tree.find("records") is None  # case-sensitive

n = records_node.first_child()
assert records_node.find("Let It Be") is n

assert == "Let It Be"
assert n.depth() == 2
assert n.parent is records_node
assert n.prev_sibling() is None
assert n.next_sibling().name == "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!"
assert not n.children

See also

See Search and Navigate for details on how to find nodes.


Iterators are available for the hole tree or by branch. Different traversal methods are supported:

for node in tree:
    # Depth-first, pre-order by default

# Alternatively use `visit` with a callback:

def callback(node, memo):
    if == "secret":
        # Prevent visiting the child nodes:
        return SkipBranch
    if == 17:
        raise StopTraversal("found it")

# `res` contains the value passed to the `StopTraversal` constructor
res = tree.visit(callback)  # res == "found it"

See also

See Search and Navigate for details on traversal.