Diff and Merge#

The diff() method compares a tree (T0) against another one (T1) and returns a merged, annotated copy.

The resulting tree contains a union of all nodes from both trees. Additional metadata is added to the resulting nodes to classify changes from the perspective of T0. For example a node that only exists in T1, will have an ADDED marker.

If ordered is true, a different child order is also considered a change.

If reduce is true, unchanged nodes are removed from the result, leaving a compact tree with only the modifications.

Assuming we have two trees, tree_0:

├── 'A'
│   ├── 'a1'
│   │   ├── 'a11'
│   │   ╰── 'a12'
│   ╰── 'a2'
╰── 'B'
    ╰── 'b1'
        ╰── 'b11'

and tree_1:

├── 'A'
│   ├── 'a1'
│   │   ╰── 'a12'
│   ╰── 'a2'
│       ╰── 'a21'
├── 'B'
╰── 'C'
    ╰── 'b1'
        ╰── 'b11'

We can now call diff() to calculate the changes (note that we use use a special repr handler to display the metadata annotations):

from nutree import diff_node_formatter

tree_0 = ...
tree_1 = ...

tree_2 = tree_0.diff(tree_1)

Tree<"diff('T0', 'T1')">
├── A
│   ├── a1
│   │   ├── a11 - [Removed]
│   │   ╰── a12
│   ╰── a2
│       ╰── a21 - [Added]
├── B
│   ╰── b1 - [Moved away]
╰── C - [Added]
    ╰── b1 - [Moved here]
        ╰── b11

Pass reduce=True to remove all unmodified nodes from the result:

tree_2 = tree_0.diff(tree_1, reduce=True)
Tree<"diff('T0', 'T1')">
├── A
│   ├── a1
│   │   ╰── a11 - [Removed]
│   ╰── a2
│       ╰── a21 - [Added]
├── B
│   ╰── b1 - [Moved away]
╰── C - [Added]
    ╰── b1 - [Moved here]

Pass ordered=True to check for changes in child order as well:

tree_2 = tree_0.diff(tree_1, ordered=True)

“a12” moved from index 1 to index 0 because “a11” was removed:

Tree<"diff('T0', 'T1')">
├── A
│   ├── a1 - [Renumbered]
│   │   ├── a11 - [Removed]
│   │   ╰── a12 - [Order -1]
│   ╰── a2
│       ╰── a21 - [Added]
├── B
│   ╰── b1 - [Moved away]
╰── C - [Added]
    ╰── b1 - [Moved here]
        ╰── b11


The diff tool uses the metadata API to add classification information to the generated result nodes. The ‘dc’ key has optional values of ADDED, REMOVED, MOVED_TO, and MOVED_HERE. When ordered is true, ‘dc’ may also be a 2-tuple of two integers, holding previous and new child index:

from nutree import DiffClassification

assert tree_2["A"].get_meta("dc") is None
assert tree_2["a21"].get_meta("dc") == DiffClassification.ADDED
assert tree_2["b1"].get_meta("dc") == DiffClassification.MOVED_TO
assert tree_2["a12"].get_meta("dc") == (1, 0)