Search and Navigate#

├── 'A'
│   ├── 'a1'
│   │   ├── 'a11'
│   │   ╰── 'a12'
│   ╰── 'a2'
╰── 'B'
    ├── 'a11'  <- a clone node here
    ╰── 'b1'
        ╰── 'b11'


Related nodes can be resolved using Node API methods, like parent(), children(), first_child(), last_child(), first_sibling(), prev_sibling(), next_sibling(), last_sibling(), get_clones(), get_siblings(), get_parent_list(), and these Tree API methods get_toplevel_nodes(),


records_node = tree["Records"]
assert tree.first_child() is records_node

assert len(records_node.children) == 2
assert records_node.depth() == 1

n = records_node.first_child()
assert records_node.find("Let It Be") is n

assert == "Let It Be"
assert n.depth() == 2
assert n.parent is records_node
assert n.prev_sibling() is None
assert n.next_sibling().name == "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!"
assert not n.children



Iterators are the most performant and memory efficient way to traverse the tree.

Iterators are available for the whole tree or by branch (i.e. starting at a node). Different traversal methods are supported.

for node in tree:
    # Depth-first, pre-order by default

for node in tree.iterator(method=IterMethod.POST_ORDER):

# Walk a branch (not including the root node)
for n in node:

# Walk a branch (including the root node)
for n in node.iterator(add_self=True):

# Keep in mind that iterators are generators, so at times we may need
# to materialize:
res = list(node.iterator(add_self=True))

Available iteration methods (IterMethod.MODE):

PRE_ORDER       # Depth-first, pre-order
POST_ORDER      # Depth-first, post-order
LEVEL_ORDER     # Breadth-first (aka level-order)
LEVEL_ORDER_RTL # Breadth-first (aka level-order) right-to-left
ZIGZAG          # ZigZag order
ZIGZAG_RTL      # ZigZag order right-to-left
RANDOM_ORDER    # Random order traversal
UNORDERED       # Fastest traversal in unpredictable order. It may appear to
                # be the order of node insertion, but do not rely on it.


To avoid race conditions during iteration, we can enforce critical sections like so:

with tree:
    for node in tree:
        # Depth-first, pre-order by default


with tree:
    snapshot = tree.to_dict_list()


The visit() method is an alternative way to traverse tree structures with a little bit more control. In this case, a callback function is invoked for every node.

The callback may return (or raise) SkipBranch to prevent visiting of the descendant nodes.
The callback may return (or raise) StopTraversal to stop traversal immediately. An optional return value may be passed to the constructor.
See Iteration Callbacks for details.

from nutree import Tree, SkipBranch, StopTraversal

def callback(node, memo):
    if == "secret":
        # Prevent visiting the child nodes:
        return SkipBranch
    if == 17:
        raise StopTraversal("found it")

# `res` contains the value passed to the `StopTraversal` constructor
res = tree.visit(callback)  # res == "found it"

The memo argument contains an empty dict by default, which is discarded after traversal. This may be handy to cache and pass along some calculated values during iteration.
It is also possible to pass-in the memo argument, in order to access the data after the call:

def callback(node, memo):
    if > 10:

hits = []
tree.visit(callback, memo=hits)

We could achieve the same using a closure if the callback is defined in the same scope as the visit() call:

hits = []
def callback(node, memo):
    if > 10:


Custom Traversal

If we need more control, here is an example implementation of a recursive traversal:

def my_visit(node):
    """Depth-first, pre-order traversal."""
    for child in node.children: